

I called off work yesterday. Let me explain why:

Monday as i commuted home with haste the snow continued to blanket the city as it has done so much as of late. In a prvious post I lamented in the inability of our neighbors on our street to shovel and salt the sidewalks. This condition along with flucuating temperatures ending in below zero temperatures yielded an icy layer on said sidewalk. I was witness to this sidewalk on the commute into work earlier in the day. Bear in mind that I walk with the ferver of an olympic speed walker. So there I was, cautiously traversing the sidewalk home listening to my ipod. The gentleman a few steps of me who passed me up was suddenly slipping around. I attributed this to his unecessary and smug style as he nonchalantly passed me on the sidewalk. How dare he?! I chuckled to myself at his misfortune. Karma, it seems, is always watching. No less than five steps later I found my body hovering four feet off the ground in the horizontal position. Time stopped as I pondered what my next action would be. Do I extend an arm to soften my descent? Or do I just take the full force of the fall on my back? Extending my arm would have probably caused a break in my wrist or arm so I clenched my teeth and plummeted. I openned my eyes as i scrambled up from my sprawled position and took a gander around to see if anyone was witness to my airial acrobatics. Thankfully, smug passer was long gone and not a soul was in sight. I brushed off the snow from my pants and jacket and hurried home with caution. I ate dinner. As I ate, I noticed the pain start to come over my body. First the back, then the hip, then finally the head. I took some Advil and passed out for the night. I awoke yesterday morning for work and had the sensation that I should be OK. This was not the case. I sat up and immediately was greeted with a shooting pain up my back and down my leg. I decided it would definitely be a stay in bed sort of day. Thankfully, the SI swimsuit edition had updated on the website so I had the company of some fine looking ladies, hellooooooo Marissa Miller, Brooklyn Decker and Bar Rafaeli. Your visages made yesterday tolerable. So there you have it. My limping self will now walk slower and with caution until this winter has come to end. Damn you ice! If I had skates on I would've been money.

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