
Open Letter to "Continuous Riders"

Dear Homeless aka Continuous Riders,

As the winter roughly makes its' presence known, we understand that we're all in it together. We understand that some are more fortunate than others when it comes to heating and shelter. We understand that the spaces beneath highways, the park benches and the alleys provide little to no comfort during these trying months. We cannot fathom the trials of having to stay warm during freezing nights and sub zero temperatures. We understand that the cars on the train provide what could be a welcome respite from the cold. That your hard begged/found two dollars can get you some solace from the harsh winter for a fleeting moment. That said, here's my issue.

Is it necessary for you to take up an entire bench on said train? I too like to sprawl out when I'm fast asleep. But to inconvenience other riders is, well, an inconvenience.

This morning, I was thoroughly enjoying my quiet ride into work and was amazed that I actually did get a seat. The lucky few who took the day off or were given the day off made the commute less congested. But of course, nothing comes without a price.

My comfortable ride became a bit uneasy as we left the Division stop. At first I felt a slight graze on my leg. At first I thought nothing of it. Maybe it was me itching my leg, but I'm fairly confident it wasn't and I'd know if it was me after all. Then I felt a nudge. Certain it wasn't me I looked behind me and lo and behold, it's the gentleman who was roused from his slumber by the inconsiderate pregnant woman who dared sit next to him in the open seat. Seeing as he needed to take revenge and taking it out on a pregnant woman would most likely earn him the ire of many on this train, he must have decided to take it out on the unsuspecting and most likely less dangerous me. Or maybe he was just stretching. In either case, he proceeded to kick me a few times. Disturbed by this, I decided to give him a quick glance to perhaps deter him from furthering his course. Unfortunately, as I turned, his eyes were closed. A few more kicks, one more look from me and another kick. I decided that perhaps giving a quick kick back or a nice solid stomp on his foot would stop him, but I decided that being the holiday season I'd just let it go. But really, was it necessary to touch me? I don't like anyone touching me yet alone someone dirty and strange. I got off at my stop looked and his legs were still strewn about under the seat. I walked off and started my day.

Last night as I was getting off the train on the way home, the all too familiar and still unsettling aroma ran across my nose. My olfactory sense was abound with warning. There he was, my boy Blue. Equipped with his many accoutrements. No less than 3 garbage bags. The odor so unbearable that all those around had a finger fixed to their nose or gloved hand covering their mouth. Thankfully I was only privy to this display of amazing hygiene for a brief period of time and was relieved by the fresh air once I exited.

In any case, I should be used to this by now but nonetheless it still disturbs me. There are those who are willing to put up with the smell, the touching and the sight of it all. But to me, it's just gross.

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