
Hi, how are you?

So I finally got my diploma today, THANK GOD! I was getting worried that something was wrong, like I really didn't pass all my classes, or that I was missing some sort of campus requirement. Maybe it was that way and they just said screw it, get him out of here, he's too old and he's been here, in college too, for way too long. In any case, I have a piece of paper that costs about $30,000. And what do I have to show for it so far? NOTHING!!!

Oh, so I realized that I kinda recapped the weekend on my last entry, but forgot about Friday. I know Romel and Fatima already put it in their things, but hey, I have one too so I'm going to rabmble on about it too now because I really have nothing else to do at this time of night. So friday, Romel, Fatima, Joel, and myself went out to the city. Thinking it wouldn't be a night like a rockstar I was mistaken. Drank way too much and paid for it the next morning. So we started the night out at Romel's cousin's place then headed out to Betty's Blue Star Lounge. There Romel and myself had 3 or 4 gin and tonics, Tanqueray for Romel, Bombay Sapphire for myself, why? because Romel and I are old now, well I'm older, but that's what old men do (Billy Joel - Piano Man ...there's an old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin). Oh but it didn't end there, cuz decides to start a tab and we proceed to do 2 jaeger bombs, good shit by the way, new shot of the moment. Then we decided to go to glow for one of Romel's friend's free party, yeah I guess everyone who signed up for a free party that night did get one (Twan). There had a beer, because I do that. We watched some raunchy ass chick dance like there were poles up there, but there aren't any on the bar. She wore these hot pants thing, it was kinda gross. So then Joel buys me another gin and tonic (thanks cuz, gotta love people who are employed, they'll shell out cash). Oh and then there was this dude, you could so tell he was a guy cuz it was like 6 foot tall, with blonde hair, oh and you guys think I have thin thighs, dude's thighs were like the size of my arms, now that shit's skinny! Then Romel and I are chillin on the seats and he looks at me and says "maybe we should do a shot, we need to be drunk to be here" (we need to be drunk at many a place lately because yeah it gets boring. So we give Fatima money to get 3 shots of goldschlaugher, she unknowingly contributed to her demise hehehe, sorry Fatima. So she brought the shots back and we were like oh the third one's for you, she's like "BASTARDS!!!" So we take it and Fatima and I are on the verge of vomiting, it was really nasty. So we left glow and went to China town to eat, cuz we do that too. Had some pot stickers, mmmm pot stickers. And then headed home. Got Fatima home at 5am, hopefully her parents weren't awake hehe. But yeah, overall fun night.

To Mata's speed of dark thing, this is my inner dork coming out, I actually gave it thought and I told him what I thought early yesterday. I claim that dark and light are the same, each is the absence of the other, light the abscence of light, and dark, conversely, the absence of light. So since they are present in the absence of each other, they must travel the same speed. However, a new twist, we all learned in physics, think back to high school you non-science people, remember that light has a duality charateristic that is it is both a wavelength and energy. Dark on the other hand being the absence of light has no such dualism, so perhaps light does travel faster than dark. Dark comes when there is no light, or the light leaves and moves to another place. So to conclude this randomness, I propose that light still is the king of the hill, and that dark is slower than light. We're all dummer now, me for writing that garbage, and you for reading it haha, jk.

Ok, that's it for now, no more rambling, SOCOM is calling my name.

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