
So in a matter of time Telnet and .plan will be non-existent for me, so I decided to do one of these things...

These are just my ramblings, because I do that, useless at best, that's what I do.

So it's been a month and a week since I graduated. Not much has happened, and life up here is getting monotonous. I wake up, scrounge around for food, shower (maybe), go online and look for jobs, more food, watch TV (JAG is a good show btw), more food, think about having a cigarette (gotta see if dad's home so I can smoke), eat again (I eat a lot and don't gain weight hehe you hate me dont you?) then night sauntering in and I wait for something to happen, Joel or Romel will call because well yeah Romel's in the same boat as I am, he just works out in addition to our daily routine, then we play pool or have our mandatory alcoholic beverage, I've noticed I can't go for more than 48 hours without having an alcholic beverage, (Alcoholic?) then I come home check who's online maybe talk or play some PS2 (those damn terrorists just won't die freaking Riddah Rouge) then I pass out around 5 just as mom is getting up for work as she enters the room and shakes her head at my "sleeping" corpse. Then it starts again, except on the weekends where it's pretty much wake up eat go out eat sleep and do it again.

Fun isn't it?

So went out again tonight with Cathy and Romel to Chromium. Kinda broke, we weren't feeling it probably because we partied hard last night, right Fatima? So I got home around 2. 2? Yes 2, on a Saturday/Sunday nonetheless. Cathy and I talked about how it's so different when you're home. At school when your'e bored you have actual physical contact with other people to be bored with you, not just the digital connections of AIM or Text or phone conversations, but you can see them. Here it's you, and just you sitting, doing nothing, watching TV eating the endless amounts of Filipino food you missed while you were gone. But now, all the Pancit, Beef Steak, and Kare Kare, become boring, oh how I crave a stack.

It's only now that I'm gone that I realize how I do take things for granted. How maybe I should have relished my time at school more, because yes, the truth is I do miss it, I knew I would. But life goes on and so do I. That's it for now, more later...

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